Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 10 - 1 month forced into new life

I read that comfort equals happiness this morning. That shelter from the rain for the homeless makes for comfort, and thus happiness. That a hug from a friend saying "I'm here for you" brings comfort, and thus, happiness. And finally "pay it forward!"

I find the words comforting, but the source is one of hypocrisy. I don't think she understands the true meaning of comfort and compassion for other humans. I think her definition is one that is self serving for her. 

And that is ok. I've cut that line and watched it drift out to sea. 

I think the true meaning of happiness is one that a person seeks for himself/herself. There in lies comfort to be found. 

At the end of the day it is only ourselves that must claim responsibility for our actions and our path in life. No one else can make that for us. Though individuals cross our paths and garner influence over us, it is ultimately up to us to do what we think is best to survive in this game of life. 

Today marks the 1 month anniversary of my past life's death. And the 10th day of my rebirth. Though this new life is quite lonely at times, I know & trust that the Universe will illuminate my way - as long as I stay in the light. It is ultimately up to me. I am only responsible for me. I alone can only allow darkness to enter my life. And I choose light. Too many signs along this route have pointed me into the light. And I like where it is leading me. I only must have patience and faith. Those two things will see me through. And then my trust in humanity will begin to heal and guide me to trust again.

Every day I heal a little more with love & light!

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