Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 14 - Loneliness of a Social Creature

I'm I am a social animal by nature. I love the Theatre, I love the stage, I love to perform... It makes me somewhat of a playful & extroverted middle aged child. And my job helps with my daily healing. I get to intermingle with other humans from every walk of life - every race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, religion... You name it. And everyone allows me to be me. 

And they love it!

And I love it!

My high blood pressure & stress level have both dropped exponentially over the last three weeks since I landed on my beach! It is amazing how liberating it has been by LITERALLY losing EVERYTHING and starting completely over at 45 years old! A liberation of my heart, mind, and soul!

But there is also the void....

The black hole of emptiness that exists where love & companionship once lived and breathed. 

What do I do with the love in my heart now? Where do I send it? What direction does it need to travel to?

My beach is filled with debris and fallout from the hurricane which tore through my heart & soul. It has created a storm surge  of love and light with nowhere to go... So it floods my privacy. The hours when I'm alone... The endless flow from my heart... My love with nowhere to go now...

That's when the loneliness of my new life swells, and the pain comes back... A social creature who is all alone at the end of the day...

And I ask the Universe, "What do I do now? I'm broken, bleeding from my soul, and don't know where or how to channel the love I have inside me... What do I do now?"

And as I write this, the Universe answered me as my new found feline friend Frances bounced up the driveway and into my lap. For the first time - in my lap purring as loud as he could!

And the flood waters receded a little tonight!

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